Early Christian Martyr Stories An Evangelical Introduction With New Translations PB
By:Bryan M. Litfin
Product Details | |
Publisher | Baker Books |
Year | 2014 |
ISBN | 9780801049583 |
Table of Contents
1. The Maccabean Martyrs: Witnesses for God before Christ
2. Peter and Paul: Apostolic Proto-Martyrs
3. Ignatius of Antioch: Final Journey to Christ
4. Polycarp of Smyrna: A Gospel Passion
5. Justin Martyr: Apologetics at the Ultimate Price
6. The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne: A Crown of Many Flowers
7. The Scillitan Martyrs: Africa Takes Its Stand
8. Perpetua and Felicity: Heroines of Faith
9. Tertullian: “The Blood of Christians Is Seed”
10. Origen of Alexandria: A Theology of Martyrdom
11. The Great Persecution: The Church’s Hour of Fiery Testing
12. The Peace of Constantine: An Empire Conquered by the Cross
13. Augustine of Hippo: Honoring the Martyrs’ Memory
Epilogue: The Meaning of the Martyrs
Bryan M. Litfin
Bryan Litfin is the author of The Conqueror and Every Knee Shall Bow, as well as several works of nonfiction, including Wisdom from the Ancients, Early Christian Martyr Stories, After Acts, and Getting to Know the Church Fathers. A former professor of theology at the Moody Bible Institute, Litfin earned his PhD in religious studies from the University of Virginia and his ThM in historical theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Bryan is professor of theology in the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University. He and his wife have two adult children and live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Learn more at www.bryanlitfin.com.