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A Heavenly Conference:  Between Christ and Mary

A Heavenly Conference: Between Christ and Mary

By: Richard Sibbes

Product Details
Publisher Banner of Truth
Year 2015
ISBN 9781848716339

'A Heavenly Conference' is Richard Sibbes' exposition of the memorable meeting that took place on the first Easter Sunday when the risen Christ met Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. Though only a few words were exchanged between the Lord and Mary, Sibbes saw in them the gospel in a nutshell. 'A Heavenly Conference' is a wonderfully original treatment of the doctrine of the believer's union with Christ. It is written by a loving and tender-hearted pastor whose main aim is to help believers enjoy the comfort that comes from knowing that Jesus' God and Father is our God and Father too. 'For from this, that God is our God, cometh all that we have that is good in nature and grace. Whatsoever is comfortable cometh from this spring, that God in Christ is our God, our reconciled God.' Without such assurance, we simply cannot live Christian lives as God would have us. God would have us thankful, cheerful, rejoicing, and strong in faith: but we will be none of these things unless we are sure.

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