Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim PB
Product Details | |
Publisher | Bethany House |
Year | |
ISBN | 97808712355348 |
This is the book for you if you are serious about communicating the truth of the Gospel to Muslims. It is thorough. It is authoritative. It is written by a third-world Christian whose father was a convert from Islam. It is the contention of the author that an effective evangelistic approach to the adherents of Islam must be based upon a study of Christ as He is found in both Scripture and the Koran. Christ, then, becomes the bridge between the two faiths. Such a search is, to Abdul-Haqq, the natural means of introducing the Saviour. Having seen Christ on the pages of the Bible, he moves on to a presentation of the great issues of sin, salvation, and the nature of God as the final pressing points to raise in efforts to win Muslim friends and neighbours to Jesus.