Children's 'King James' Bible
Product Details | |
Publisher | Reformation Heritage Books |
Year | 2006 |
ISBN | 9781892777713 |
Dr Joel Beekes Reformation Heritage Books have produced this edition of the slightly simplified and updated version of the King James translation issued by Jay P Green in 1960-62. Dr Beeke writes: The Childrens King James Bible brings the majesty and faithfulness of the King James Version to the level of children. The wording of the unsurpassed King James Version has been adjusted to suit a fourth graders comprehension. Because it follows the King James Version so closely, The Childrens King James Bible should allow a child to transition easily to the King James Version within a few years.
Table of Contents
Bible Stories
- Wise Men From the East
- The Flight Into Egypt
- The Temptations of Jesus
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Treasures in Heaven
- Doers of the Word
- Jesus and the Sabbath
- The Parable of the Tares
- Jesus Walks on the Water
- A Heathen Woman's Faith
- Jesus is Transfigured
- The Unmerciful Servant
- The Lord of the Vineyard
- The Wedding Feast
- the Wise and Foolish Virgins
- The Last Supper
- The Burial of Jesus
- Through the Roof
- Four Kinds of Soil
- Pigs into the Sea
- Jairus' Daughter is Raised
- A Birthday Party
- Five Loaves and Two Fishes
- The Deaf Hear and the Blind See
- A Den of Thieves
- The Wicked Farmers
- Gethsemane
- The Kiss of Judas
- Peter Denioes his Lord
- John the Baptist is Born
- Gabriel's Message to Mary
- Jesus is Born
- In His Father's House
- The Great Catch of Fish
- The Roman Centurion
- Anointed by a Sinful Woman
- The Good Samaritan
- Ask, and it Shall be Given
- The Prodigal Son
- The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Two Prayers and Two Gifts
- Zaccheus
- Hossanna to the Son of David
- Jesus is Risen
- On the Way to Emmaus
And many more chapters...