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Brown's Dictionary Of Bible Characters: A Preacher's Dictionary of Bible Characters

Brown's Dictionary Of Bible Characters: A Preacher's Dictionary of Bible Characters

By: John Brown

£14.99 £19.99
Product Details
Publisher Christian Heritage
Year 2007
ISBN 9781845502669

John Brown (1722 '1787), a biblical theologian gathered all the biblical material on significant Bible names. This new compilation misses no one from it. It contains interesting facts and provocative thoughts to develop your interest. 

John Brown first produced his Bible Dictionary in 1769. Two further editions in his lifetime remained in print for 100 years, until 1869. Geoffrey Stonier has taken all of Brown's references to individuals from his dictionary to produce a new volume - Brown's Dictionary of Bible Characters.

Once you start to dig into these pages you will discover spark and fire - names previously skimmed over develop special relevance. Brown's work demonstrates that we can miss priceless information, information that could make our knowledge of God's grace in redemption so much more vibrant.

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