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The Child's Story Bible: With Colour Illustrations HB

The Child's Story Bible: With Colour Illustrations HB

By: Catherine F. Vos

£18.99 £20.00
Product Details
Publisher Banner of Truth
Year 2021
ISBN 9781848719422

Catherine Vos’ Child’s Story Bible combines qualities which are not generally found together: she appeals to the interest and imagination of children without sacrificing fidelity to the text of Scripture; she uses the stories to impress great doctrinal truths, uniting the element of enjoyment with instruction; and she takes the sombre warning passages of the word of God as well as those which call for admiration and trust in the Saviour around whom children once gathered upon earth.

Suitable to be read to children aged 3+, and read by children aged 7+ by themselves.

Also suitable for all adults who wish to refresh themselves of the overarching narrative of the biblical story.

This edition includes 26 colour illustrations by Neil McArdle and readers will be interested to know that there are no images of Christ in the book.



‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s den, Joshua and Caleb spying out the Promised Land, these and more, were no longer disconnected Sunday School lessons but part of the history of God’s people. Our sons and daughters began to know they were the latest in a long line of saints in whose lives the God of history was working out his saving purposes.’ — JOAN KINGSWOOD

‘We used The Child’s Story Bible as part of our family worship with our three adopted Ugandan boys while we lived in Africa. The Bible stories were very simple to understand especially since the boys were learning English at the time and we found them to be the most faithful to the biblical narratives. I only wish I had known of them when my older children were young!’ — KATHLEEN CURTO



Table of Contents 


1. In the Beginning God 3

2. How the World Began 7

3. The First Man, Adam 10

4. The First Woman, Eve 13

5. Adam and Eve Disobey God 15

6. How God Punished Them 18

7. A Loss and a Promise 21

8. The First Crime 23

9. What the First Men Were Like 27

10. The Second Beginning 30

11. The Strange Division of Men into Nations 37

12. Abram Follows God 41

13. God Talks with Abram 45

14. Sodom and Gomorrah 51

15. Abraham Sends Ishmael Away 56

16. Isaac, the Promised Son 59

17. Rebekah 63

18. Jacob Buys the Birthright 71

19. Jacob Deceives His Father 74

20. Jacob Leaves Home 79

21. Jacob Meets Rachel 83

22. Jacob Leaves Paddan-Aram Secretly 87

23. Jacob Goes Home 90

24. How Joseph Was Sold 96

25. In Potiphar’s House 100

26. From Prison to Palace 104

27 Joseph’s Dreams Come True 109

28. Benjamin Goes to Egypt 115

29. Joseph’s Silver Cup 118

30. Israel Goes to Egypt 122

31. The Death of Jacob 127

32. Moses 130

33. God Chooses Moses 137

34. The Stubborn King 144

35. The Children of Israel Leave Egypt 154

36. The End of the Egyptians 160

37. Israel in the Wilderness 164

38. God Talks from Mount Sinai 169

39. The Golden Calf 175

40. The Tabernacle 181

41. Aaron and the Levites 186

42. The Dedication of the Tabernacle 188

43. How Israel Worshipped 191

44. Israel’s Feasts 194

45. God Gives Many Laws 198

46. The Israelites Continue Their Journey 200

47. The Grumbling Israelites 203

48. Spies Search Out the Land 207

49. The Rebellious Israelites Turn Back 211

50. Some Strange Happenings in the Desert 216

51. God Gives Victory 222

52. Balaam Displeases a Frightened King 226

53. The Israelites Numbered Again 234

54. The Last Words of Moses 237

55. Canaan at Last 240

56. A Victory and a Defeat 247

57. How Trickery Overthrew Ai and Saved Gibeon 252

58. Dividing the Land 257

59. Judges Rule Israel 260

60. How Death Came to Sisera 263

61. Gideon, Who Saw an Angel 265

62. Samson 274

63. Samson Captured 281

64. Ruth’s Choice 286

65. Samuel is Promised to God 292

66. War with the Philistines 297

67. Saul, the First King 303

68. David, the Shepherd Boy 312

69. David Becomes an Outlaw 319

70. Stories about the Outlawed David 325

71. More Stories about David and Saul 331

72. David, the King Whom God Loved 337

73. How the Good King Sinned 343

74. The Plan of a Bad Son 347

75. The Failure of the Plot 353

76. The Wisest Man in the World 362

77. The Golden Kingdom of Solomon 368

78. The Beginning of Bad Times 375

79. The Divided Kingdom 381

80. Elijah, the Stern Prophet 387

81. Stories about Israel’s Wicked King 399

82. The Death of Ahab 407

83. God Protects His People 413

84. Good-bye to Elijah 419

85. Elisha, the Gentle Prophet 423

86. Trouble with Syria 432

87. The Soldier-King, Jehu 440

88. The Little Boy Who Became King 449

89. Elisha’s Last Prophecy 455

90. A Proud King Defeated 457

91. Jonah, the Unwilling Prophet 461

92. Stories about the Two Kingdoms 467

93. ‘Here Am I — Send Me’ 472

94. The End of the Kingdom of Israel 474

95. Hezekiah the Good 480

96. Wicked King Who Repented 488

97. Stories about King Josiah 491

98. The Man Who Had To Prophesy 497

99. The Captivity of Judah 501

100. Daniel 508

101. The Fiery Furnace 514

102. The King Who Lived in the Fields 519

103. The Fall of Babylon 522

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