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Passions of the Heart:  Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins PB

Passions of the Heart: Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins PB

By: John D Street

£14.99 £19.99
Product Details
Publisher Presbyterian and Reformed
Year 2019
ISBN 9781629954028

Honest self-assessment is hard. Even Christians trust their hearts more than they should. And when the heart is filled with unexpressed rage ("I will have my own way"), unrestrained sensuality ("I will indulge myself regardless of the sin involved"), or unabated pride ("I deserve whatever my heart desires"), sexual fantasy all too easily leads to acts that were previously unimaginable. Biblical counselor John Street takes a hard look at the passions of the heart: the underlying idolatries that lead Christians to commit egregious sexual sins. And he shows that there is hope. These passions can be identified and resisted‚"‚€‚"and they can be forgiven, even if acted on. Jesus not only forgives the repentant sinner but also restores, giving men and women abundant grace and strength to say no to the fleshly desires and humbly live for him. A life enslaved in sexual sin can become a life lived to the honor and glory of God.

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