Genesis for Today: The Relevance of the Creation/Evolution Debate to Today's Society
By: Andy McIntoshProduct Details | |
Publisher | Day One |
Year | 2010 |
ISBN | 9781846252402 |
Professor McIntosh is a scientist who sees no contradiction between science and the events of creation in the book of Genesis. He believes that all Christian doctrine, directly or indirectly, has its basis in the literal events of the first eleven chapters of the Bible, and that these foundations of the faith have been undermined in the church by the fallible theories of evolution. This book argues from the complete accuracy of Genesis and the Bible. All fundamental Christian doctrine is found in embryo in Genesis 1-11. It provides key support in the creation / evolution debate and written in such a way that the non scientist can understand it easily. The burden of Professor McIntosh is that Creation is no peripheral issue. True revival of Christianity in the decadent West today will never be known unless we get back to believing God's Word from the very beginning.