Occult Bondage and Deliverance: Advice for Counselling the Sick, the Troubled, and the Occultly Oppressed
By: Kurt E. KochProduct Details | |
Publisher | Kregel |
Year | 1972 |
ISBN | 9780825430060 |
Does bondage to the occult manifest itself in someone's life through mental or physical symptoms? Can mental and physical illnesses have a spiritual root feeding them? Many in our culture, particularly in the medical and mental health communities, would scoff at the suggestion. And many Christians would be inclined to agree, even though there are several accounts in the Bible where certain, specific illnesses were linked to spiritual oppression, according to Jesus. On the other hand, there are some Christians who would ascribe all illnesses, both physical and mental, to spiritual oppression, namely, the activity of demons. Therefore, balance may be difficult to find or maintain. Kurt Koch wrote Occult Bondage and Deliverance to help people find the balance.
Koch affirms that some illnesses, particularly those termed mental illnesses, can and often do have a spiritual root, i.e., they are due to demonic subjection. But he also affirms that some (in all likelihood, most) illnesses are purely biological and can be healed through medicine. The focus of this book is those cases where there really is demonic subjection or oppression, and those people whose illnesses have not been treatable by medicine. The stated goal of Occult Bondage and Deliverance is freedom, and Koch hopes to offer support to those ministering to free people from the impact of the occult. This freedom often does involve physical or mental healing, but that is secondary to the much more important spiritual freedom and healing.
Koch identifies and explains several occult activities which can lead to demonic subjection or oppression. He defines many terms used in the occult culture, and offers practical information for distinguishing between disease and demonic (particularly in part two, where Dr. Alfred Lechler offers medical advice). Hope and freedom is available, Koch reminds us, through the Bible and through the name of Jesus. And the counselor who is armed with accurate knowledge about the occult and its manifestations will be empowered to help bring that freedom to completion. Occult Bondand and Deliverance is full of practical advice; according to Christianity Today "it is highly recommended for use in seminary counseling courses." It is also recommended for all those who are dealing with occult bondage in their church or ministry. Don't wait another day to start bringing freedom to the oppressed.