The Doctrine And Practice Of Holiness
By: Erroll HulseProduct Details | |
Publisher | EP Books |
Year | 2011 |
ISBN | 9780852347393 |
There is a very, real danger that Christiana can fall into extremes when considering holiness. Some so emphasise the sovereign grace of God that they neglect the quest for holiness; some have believed that perfection may be attained in this life, but burn out in the attempt to achieve it. Erroll Hulse approaches the subject as an experienced pastor. He shows that the whole Bible teaches a consistent and united message about holiness. He explains God's organisation of sanctification and how he provides every practical means to that end. The concluding chapter gives an overview of how the doctrine of holiness has been viewed through the history of the church with a reminder of the absolute necessity to understand the relationship of justification to sanctification. Throughout there is a combination of powerful challenge and warm encouragement to mortify sin on the one hand and aspire to transformation on the other. Book jacket.