A Biblical Guide to Love, Sex and Marriage
By: Derek Thomas, Rosemary ThomasProduct Details | |
Publisher | EP Books |
Year | 2007 |
ISBN | 9780852346617 |
This book is about marriage and its relationships, based on the Song of Solomon. Interpreting this book of the Bible has been a controversial issue for many years. First, it is a book about love, marriage and sex. It is thoroughly immersed in the goodness of the created order. Second, in teaching us about intimate relationships in marriage, it helps us understand how marital union reflects Christs relationship to the church corporately, and the believer individually. Thirdly, the Song of Solomon is Gods inerrant Word. It is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3: 16-17). We cannot keep this issue buried beneath the surface but hovering over everything we understand of the Song. Being persuaded of its divine authorship and sanctifying intent should keep us from embarrassment on the one hand and sentimentality on the other. The Holy Spirit thought it necessary that we be given these love poems to teach and exhort us to love more deeply the one he has provided to share our lives with. It is only right, therefore, that we reciprocate with gratitude for this gift.