Beyond The Setting Sun PB
Product Details | |
Publisher | Lion |
Year | |
ISBN | 9780745978437 |
A picture story book about bereavement to support young children, specifically those who have lost a parent.
The waterholes of the African Savannah have dried up and there has not been enough to drink for some of the animals. Ekundayo, a young elephant, struggles to understand the loss of his mother, but the support of his family help and guide him through.
Carefully researched about the stages of grief for young children, Sarah J Dodd sensitively portrays this in the response and actions of Ekundayo to help children express and share how they are feeling with those around them. Ekundayo s aunt and father provide words of understanding, reassurance and comfort, and the message that the love of Ekundayo s mother shines on, telling of a greater Love that may not see but never goes away and is everywhere.
At the end, Debbie Duncan also provides helpful advice for parents and carers as consider how to talk about death and dying with young children.