A Labor of Love: Puritan Pastoral Priorities
By: J. Stephen YuilleProduct Details | |
Publisher | Reformation Heritage Books |
Year | 2013 |
ISBN | 9781601782663 |
Driven by the desire to be successful, pastors are tempted to judge their ministries by the worldly standards of power, prestige, privilege, and prosperity. In contrast, J. Stephen Yuille reorients our understanding of pastoral ministry by presenting a standard of excellence measured by faithfulness, humility, and submission to God—even when the results look unsuccessful in the eyes of the world. Drawing from the Puritan minister George Swinnock, Yuille expands on a list of sixteen heartfelt desires that Swinnock expressed for his own pastoral ministry. Yuille's reflections on these timeless priorities are full of biblical insights and pastoral wisdom. The book ends with Swinnock's farewell sermon to his congregation, which serves as an encouraging example for all pastors who desire to love their people in Christ. This book is a valuable guide for pastors as they seek to labor and love in the service of Christ.Endorsement “This book is an accessible and challenging introduction to the pastoral office and its duties as understood by the Puritans. In an age when the notion of office is either downplayed or understood in a confused manner, the Puritans still have the power to speak with force and clarity. Dr. Yuille has done us a great service in producing such a work.” — Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Pa."Rare it is to find a book that pulls together the pastoral wisdom of a Puritan divine like Swinnock and distills it down into manageable units that are easily digestible. But this is precisely what Yuile has done in this volume. He has surveyed one of the best from the golden age of the Puritans, Swinnock, and has extracted he core teaching from this classic writing on pastoral duty. To learn from this divine is to be well-taught in ministerial responsibilities. By reading this work and implementing it in your life, I believe that you will be better equipped for your service for Jesus Christ." - Steven J. Lawson, senior pastor, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, Mobile, Alabama