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The People in Paul’s Letters A Compendium of Characters Hb

The People in Paul’s Letters A Compendium of Characters Hb

Product Details
Publisher Christian Focus Publications
ISBN 9781527111981

Introduced by Alan Harman, The People in Paul’s Letters is a handy guide to the backgrounds and relationships of the individuals and churches mentioned in the Pauline epistles. 

Of the twenty–seven books of the New Testament, thirteen are letters written by the apostle Paul to early Christian communities and individuals. These churches were working out the reality of living for Christ and His Kingdom in a world antagonistic to the gospel. Many of the individuals in these congregations were mentioned by name in Paul’s letters, and there is much to be learned from them.

We can learn as much by considering Paul’s interactions with people as his directions about Christian thought and behaviour. Although separated by twenty centuries, many of the issues we face today relate closely to matters they encountered.

Guy Manuell has thoroughly researched the people mentioned in Paul’s letters. Each person has an individual entry, starting with the verses in which they are found, and giving a full explanation of who they were and their relationship to Paul.

Also included are an in–depth introduction providing the background context, an invaluable chronology of Paul’s life, a handy chronology of Paul’s letters and an extensive bibliography.

This book will be a valuable reference for preachers, or for any seeking to understand Paul’s writings more fully. 

About Guy Manuell

Guy lives with his wife, Bernice, on the Bellarine Peninsula near Geelong, Australia. They attend Bellarine Presbyterian Church. He has an MA in Early Christian & Jewish Studies (Macquarie University). His career involved economics and international finance.

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