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Leviticus: Holy God, Holy People HB

Leviticus: Holy God, Holy People HB

£17.99 £23.99
Product Details
Publisher Crossway
ISBN 9781433565748

Leviticus is the message God spoke to his people through Moses as they prepared to depart for the promised land. It details regulations for holy living and sacrificial worship in Old Testament Israel. But does this book have anything to say to Christians today?

Aware of how easy it is to get lost in the rules and rituals outlined in Leviticus, Kenneth Mathews focuses this commentary on the common themes between Old Testament life and the New Testament Christian’s experience. His chapter-bychapter analysis illuminates the significance of ancient Israel’s sacrificial system and symbols, drawing parallels to Jesus as their perfect, once-for-all fulfillment. This commentary will train you to see the foreshadowing of Jesus’s sacrifice and the many ways a holy God atoned for our sin through Christ, so that you may teach and apply the truths of this foundational book with confidence.


Kenneth A. Mathews (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Michigan) is professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School, where he teaches Old Testament and Hebrew. Kenneth and his wife, Dea, have two adult children and seven grandchildren.

Table of Contents:

A Word to Those Who Preach the Word
Preface and Acknowledgments

  1. Hearing from God before Seeing God (1:1)
  2. Commitment (1:2–17)
  3. Thank You, Lord! (2:1—3:17)
  4. Purging the Soul (4:1—5:13)
  5. Debt-Free (5:14—6:7)
  6. Handling Holy Things (6:8—7:38)
  7. The Mediator (8:1–36)
  8. The Glory of the Lord (9:1–24)
  9. The Priestly Mission (10:1–20)
  10. Dining with God (11:1–47)
  11. Born into the Family of Faith (12:1–8)
  12. Holy to the Core (13:1—15:33) 
  13. Day of Atonement (16:1–34) 
  14. Honoring God at Table (17:1–16)
  15. The Sanctity of the Family (18:1–30 and 20:1–27)
  16. Daily Christian Living (19:1–37)
  17. Raising the “Holy” Bar (21:1—22:33) 
  18. Holy Day or Holiday? (23:1–3)
  19. Worship for All Seasons (23:4–44)
  20. God’s Sacred Presence (24:1–23) 
  21. Free at Last! (25:1–55)
  22. Grace Has the Last Word (26:1–46)
  23. Promises (27:1–34)

Scripture Index
General Index
Index of Sermon Illustrations

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