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Reformed Systematic Theology  Vol. 3 HB

Reformed Systematic Theology Vol. 3 HB

By: Joel Beeke, Paul M. Smalley

£46.99 £51.99
Product Details
Publisher Crossway
Year 2021
ISBN 9781433559914

The aim of systematic theology is to engage not only the head but also the heart and hands. Only recently has the church compartmentalized these aspects of life\-\-separating the academic discipline of theology from the spiritual disciplines of faith and obedience. This multivolume work brings together rigorous historical and theological scholarship with spiritual disciplines and practical insights\-\-characterized by a simple, accessible, comprehensive, Reformed, and experiential approach.

In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley unpack the work and role of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and salvation (soteriology). The authors examine the Holy Spirit role in the history of salvation, the order of salvation, and the believers experience of salvation. As readers consider the interrelationship between the Spirit and salvation, they are invited to explore the direct activity of the Lord in their lives for their salvation.


Table of Contents

Part 5: Pneumatology and Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Applied by the Holy Spirit

Analytic Outline: Pneumatology and Soteriology

Section A: The Holy Spirit and the History of Salvation (Historia Salutis)
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 2: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Creation and Common Grace
Chapter 3: The Spirit of God with Old Covenant Israel
Chapter 4: The Spirit and God the Son Incarnate
Chapter 5: Pentecost and Paraclete: Baptized with the Spirit
Chapter 6: The Gifts of the Spirit in the Church
Chapter 7: The Signs and Wonders of the Spirit
Chapter 8: The Holy Spirit and the New Creation

Section B: The Holy Spirit and the Order of Salvation (Ordo Salutis)
Chapter 9: Union with Christ by the Spirit, Part 1: Biblical Themes
Chapter 10: Union with Christ by the Spirit, Part 2: Theological and Practical Considerations
Chapter 11: The Order of the Application of Salvation
Chapter 12: General Calling, Part 1: The Free Offer of the Gospel
Chapter 13: General Calling, Part 2: Preparatory Grace and the Spirit of Conviction
Chapter 14: General Calling, Part 3: Resisting, Testing, and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
Chapter 15: Effectual Calling, Part 1: Biblical Teaching
Chapter 16: Effectual Calling, Part 2: Theological Controversy
Chapter 17: Regeneration, Part 1: Biblical Teaching
Chapter 18: Regeneration, Part 2: Theological Questions and Practical Application
Chapter 19: Conversion, Part 1: Repentance unto Life
Chapter 20: Conversion, Part 2: Faith in Jesus Christ
Chapter 21: Conversion, Part 3: The Exercise and Necessity of Faith
Chapter 22: Justification, Part 1: Biblical Teaching
Chapter 23: Justification, Part 2: Historical and Polemical Theology (Reformation)
Chapter 24: Justification, Part 3: Historical and Polemical Theology (Modern)
Chapter 25: Adoption, Part 1: Biblical Theology
Chapter 26: Adoption, Part 2: Systematic and Practical Considerations
Chapter 27: Sanctification, Part 1: Biblical Teaching
Chapter 28: Sanctification, Part 2: Theological Controversies
Chapter 29: Sanctification, Part 3: Practical Applications
Chapter 30: Preservation and Perseverance, Part 1: Biblical Promises and Warnings
Chapter 31: Preservation and Perseverance, Part 2: Resting and Running

Section C: The Holy Spirit and the Experience of Salvation (Experientia Salutis)
Chapter 32: The Indwelling, Leading, and Filling of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 33: Assurance of Salvation, Part 1: A Balanced, Biblical, Reformed Approach
Chapter 34: Assurance of Salvation, Part 2: The Sealing, Earnest, Witness, and Firstfruits of the Spirit
Chapter 35: The Marks of Grace in Christian Character, Part 1: The Beatitudes
Chapter 36: The Marks of Grace in Christian Character, Part 2: The Fruit of the Spirit
Chapter 37: Obedience to God’s Law, Part 1: Introduction and the First Two Commandments
Chapter 38: Obedience to God’s Law, Part 2: The Third and Fourth Commandments
Chapter 39: Obedience to God’s Law, Part 3: The Fifth through Seventh Commandments
Chapter 40: Obedience to God’s Law, Part 4: The Eighth through Tenth Commandments and Conclusion
Chapter 41: The Fear of the Lord, Self-Denial, Sober Watchfulness, and Recovery from Backsliding
Chapter 42: Prayer and the Hope of Glorification


Joel R. Beeke

Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) has written over one hundred books. He is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; the editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; the editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; the president of Inheritance Publishers; and the vice president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society.

Paul M. Smalley

Paul M. Smalley (ThM, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is faculty teaching assistant to Joel Beeke at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He previously served for twelve years as a pastor in the Baptist General Conference in the midwestern United Sta

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