What Happens When We Worship PB
By: Jonathan Landry CruseProduct Details | |
Publisher | Reformation Heritage Books |
Year | 2020 |
ISBN | 9781601788160 |
Protestant worship can appear to be boring. The remedy for some is to add beauty and grandeur, for others to add excitement. The Reformers understood that biblical worship needed spice but that such pizzazz came not from externals or style but from Scripture, faith, and a right understanding of what transpires when God's people meet in his name on the Lord's Day. Jonathan Cruse uses the teaching of Scripture and the wisdom Reformed theologians to remind Protestants how extraordinary their simple worship is." - D. G. Hart, Hillsdale College
About the Author
Jonathan Landry Cruse (MDiv, Westminster Seminary California) is pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (OPe in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he lives with his wife and son.