A Body of Divinity
By: James UssherProduct Details | |
Publisher | Church Society |
Year | |
ISBN | 9780851900834 |
A BODY OF DIVINITY or THE SUM AND SUBSTANCE OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION Catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: Methodically and familiarly handled.
Composed long since by JAMES USSHER, BISHOP OF ARMAGH: Whereunto is adjoined a Tract, entitled IMMANUEL OR THE MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION OF THE SON OF GOD;
The Body of Divinity is James Ussher’s most accessible work of theology. It provides a comprehensive summary of the Reformed Christian faith that will prove invaluable to all Christians who want to enter more deeply into the understanding of Scripture.
Ussher was a profound scholar who has much to teach contemporary evangelicals on a number of vital issues. The present volume also includes his Irish Articles of 1615 and a brief exposition of the incarnation entitled Immanuel. Together they constitute a fine introduction to the thought of one of the greatest Reformed evangelical scholars of the 17th Century.
Ussher’s Body of Divinity has not been from Puritan times until 2007. This new edition by the Church Society includes a Preface describing Ussher’s life and theological contribution by Duncan R. L. Boyd.