Beyond the Ninety-Five Theses: Martin Luther's Life, Thought, and Lasting Legacy PB
By: Stephen J. NicholsProduct Details | |
Publisher | Presbyterian and Reformed |
Year | 2016 |
ISBN | 9781629953311 |
Set in the context of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this illustrated introductory guide to the life, theology, and works of the famous reformer introduces and summarizes Martin Luther's major writings, such as The Bondage of the Will, and includes the complete Ninety-Five Theses, with annotations. Stephen Nichols also gives encouragement and guidance for studying Luther's ethical writings, "table talk," hymns, and sermons. Includes a select guide for further reading.
List of Illustrations 7
Preface 9
Acknowledgments 13
Introduction: Martin Luther’s Legacy 15
Part One: Luther, a Life 23
- The Early Years: 1483–1521 25
- The Later Years: 1522–1546 47
Part Two: Luther, the Reformer 67
- The Meat of the Nut: Understanding Luther’s Theology 69
- Silent No More: The Three Treatises 87
- The Centerpiece of the Reformation: The Bondage of the Will 103
- This Is My Body: Confession Concerning Christ’s Supper 119
- Plagues, Princes, and Peasants: Ethical Writings 133
Part Three: Luther, the Pastor 149
- The Next Generation: The Small Catechism 151
- Dinner with Luther: “Table Talk” 169
- A New Song Begun: The Hymns 183
- The Marks of a True Church: On the Councils and the Church 199
- The Reluctant Pastor: The Sermons 215
Part Four: Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses 231
- The Annotated Ninety-Five Theses: Disputation on thePower and Efficacy of Indulgences 235
A Brief Guide to Books by and about Martin
Luther 263
Bibliography 269
Index of Persons 273
Index of Luther’s Works 277
Index of Scripture 281