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Biblical Hebrew Survival Kit

Biblical Hebrew Survival Kit

By: Gary D. Pratico, Miles V. Van Pelt

Product Details
Publisher Zondervan
Year 2006
ISBN 9780310274100

Equip your students for success in first year Hebrew, and save them money! Assign the Biblical Hebrew Survival Kit as a supplemental “text” for your course and give your students the tools they need. This value-priced kit ($8 less than items purchased separately) includes: • Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary Cards — this set contains all words occurring in the Hebrew OT more than 30 times. • Basics of Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Audio CD (also in mp3 format) — with all the words contained in Basics of Biblical Hebrew, in chapter order. • Zondervan Get an A! Study Guides: Biblical Hebrew — all the noun and verb paradigms you need to know all in one handy place.

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