Ephesians For You For reading, for feeding, for leading PB
By: Richard CoekinProduct Details | |
Publisher | Good Book Company |
Year | 2015 |
ISBN | 9781910307649 |
In a world where Christianity seems increasingly sidelined and even irrelevant, we need to grasp the truths of this faith-affirming, life-changing letter. Ephesians For You helps readers see how being "in Christ" changes everything—our view of ourselves, our world, our future, our church, homes and workplaces.
Richard Coekin, author of A Few Good Men and Our Father, brings his trademark clear teaching and challenging application to every page.
Richard Coekin
Richard Coekin is CEO of the London-wide Co-Mission church-planting network and Senior Pastor of Dundonald Church, one of Co-Mission's churches in South West London. A renowned Bible teacher and the author of several books including Our Father and Ephesians For You, Richard is married to Sian and they have five children.
1. In him
2. A lesson in prayer
3. Once dead, now raised up
4. The only real peace
5. Mystery revealed
6. Grasping the dimensions of divine love
7. Working for unity
8. The difference faith makes
9. Sex life
10. Married life
11. Home and work life
12. Wear God's armour