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God The Ten Commandments And Jesus HB

God The Ten Commandments And Jesus HB

By: Carine MacKenzie

£5.99 £6.99
Product Details
Publisher Christian Focus Publications
Year 2004
ISBN 9781857928501

The commandments of God were kept perfectly by Jesus Christ and other people too were helped by God to follow his laws and obey his word. Zaccheus was a thief whose life was changed around by meeting Jesus Christ so that he gave his money away instead of stealing it. David was a warrior who when given the chance to kill his enemy chose to obey God's word instead. Joseph kept the seventh commandment by refusing to obey his bosses wife but was thrown in prison as a result. All the commandments are covered as well as the true stories surrounding Mount Sinai and God's writing of the ten commandments on the two stones.

A fascinating retelling of a vital part of scripture. Children will love it and parents will love the positive teaching it gives on how we can obey God.

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