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Lion of the Covenant:  Story of Richard Cameron PB

Lion of the Covenant: Story of Richard Cameron PB

By: M. Grant, M. Grant

£8.99 £9.99
Product Details
Publisher EP Books
Year 1997
ISBN 9780852343951

Of all the names associated with the cause of Scottish Covenanters, and their heroic resistance to arbitrary power, none is better known than that of Richard Cameron. As preacher, public figure and popular leader, he epitomized the steadfastness of a people in the face of a bitter and protracted persecution. Such was the impact of his life that, even in his own day, his name came to be synonymous with uncompromising adherence to a cause, a cause that was of the very essence of civil and religious freedom.

In the foreword, Robert Oliver says that the author, 'has put us all in his debt by this work. Richard Cameron is set against his background and not left as a figure in isolation... this book has enabled us to see why Richard Cameron was so significant a figure in his own day. More than that, he compels us to face the challenges of his life and ministry today.'

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