Ten Words from God PB
Product Details | |
Publisher | Crown and Covenant |
Year | |
ISBN | 9781943017591 |
The Ten Commandments given by God are simply called Ten Words in the original Hebrew. Although they are foundational to understanding God’s will for us and our world, they are mostly ignored in 21st century society.
Keddie, with a heart of a shepherd, shows that we all need clear teaching of the Ten Commandments with practical application. The law is “our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith” (Gal. 3:24). In Ten Words from God, Keddie unfolds the richness and depth of the Ten Commandments. There you will be led to Christ and helped to grow in his grace.
About the Author
Gordon J. Keddie is the author of many commentaries on Bible books and books on biblical themes. He pastored four Reformed Presbyterian churches for over forty years from Indiana to Scotland.
A sure sign of the spiritual malaise gripping the Church today is the lack of attention shown to the Ten Commandments. For this reason, a sure-handed guide to God’s Ten Words—which remain essential for godly living—is vitally needed. Keddie clears the confusion, and, with mature insight, provides a valuable commentary on the commandments that God wrote in stone.
Christians will be richly blessed by this engaging book, and the Church will be strengthened with believers who understand God’s will as well as the grace that he provides to keep it.
—Richard D. Phillips, senior minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC
How can a believer in Christ live in a way that pleases his heavenly Father? The biblical and Reformed answer is: “By keeping his commandments.” Gordon Keddie’s practical exposition of the Ten Commandments helps us to see why the psalmist would say, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105). This is a book that will challenge and admonish you, comfort and encourage you, direct and move you.
—Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
The prophet Jeremiah promised in the days of the new covenant that the Lord would write his laws on the hearts of his people. Sadly, however, too many in the church remain unaware of or, worse yet, defy this glorious promise. To help guide God’s people into the beauty of knowing and living by the Ten Commandments, prolific author and pastor Gordon Keddie offers this devotionally written and theologically sound book on God’s “Ten Words.” This book should be required reading and discussion for all Christian families and churches!
—Barry York, president, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary