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Noah:  A Righteous Man In A Wicked Age

Noah: A Righteous Man In A Wicked Age

By: Bruce Mcdowell

£10.99 £14.99
Product Details
Publisher Amg Publishers
Year 2004
ISBN 9780899571430

The teachings that come out of an exposition of Genesis 6-9 are foundational to understanding much of redemptive history in the rest of the Bible. Righteous Noah becomes a type of Christ through whom God makes a covenant of redemption. By faith Noah built an ark and had victory over a world that God condemned. So out of a holocaust God provides hope.
Bruce McDowell responds to higher criticism, reveals the text’s literary structure, compares various viewpoints, provides historical and scientific evidences, and illustrates with contemporary examples.
Numerous controversial topics are addressed, such as who were the ?sons of God” that married ?daughters of men,” God’s grief, the extent of the Flood, eating meat, capital punishment, population growth, and the curse on Canaan. Personal application is made throughout. Each chapter closes with discussion questions for group study.

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