The Man of God His Preaching and Teaching Labors Volume 2H B
Product Details | |
Publisher | Trinity Pulpit Press |
Year | 2019 |
ISBN | 9781943608126 |
The Man of God: His Preaching and Teaching Labors.
Among the manifold responsibilities and privileges of being a scripturally-recognized elder in Christ’s church who is set apart to “labor in preaching and teaching”(1 Tim. 5:17), no function in that office is of greater importance than that of the preaching and teaching labors of the man of God.
This book begins with the articulation of seven basic axioms that apply to every species of biblical preaching and teaching, and moves forward to identify the three basic categories of legitimate sermons. Then a working framework for the actual construction of sermons, including introductions and conclusions, is set before us. The concluding section focuses on the “Act of Preaching” itself. In these chapters, such things as the place of emotions, physical action, the use of vocal powers, and the benefits and liabilities of a sermon manuscript are thoroughly discussed.
The author sets a treatment of these various subjects that is drawn primarily from Covenanter Bookshopthe contents of the Bible, the insights of general revelation, and the confirming voice of proven guides from past generations.
Table of Contents
The Man of God, Volume 2: His Preaching & Teaching Labors by Albert N. Martin
Unit 3 The Sermon: Its Content & Form I
Ch. 1 The Heart and Soul of Our Preaching (1) – Axiom 1
Ch. 2 The Heart and Soul of Our Preaching (2) – Axiom 1
Ch. 3 Preaching Most Needed by Our Congregation – Axiom 2
Ch. 4 Perspicuity of Form & Structure (1) – Axiom 3
Ch. 5 Perspicuity of Form & Structure (2) – Axiom 3
Ch. 6 Applicatory Preaching (1) –Axiom 4
Ch. 7 Applicatory Preaching (2) –Axiom 4
Ch. 8 Illustrations in Preaching – Axiom 5
Ch. 9 Simplicity in Preaching (1) – Axiom 6
Ch. 10 Simplicity in Preaching (2) – Axiom 6
Ch. 11 Length in Preaching –Axiom 7
Ch. 12 Use of the Manuscript in Preaching (1)
Ch. 13 Use of the Manuscript in Preaching (2)
Unit 4 The Sermon: Its Content & Form II
Ch. 1 Sacred Rhetoric
Ch. 2 Topical, Textual, and Consecutive-Expository Sermons
Ch. 3 Topical-Expository Sermons
Ch. 4 Textual-Expository Sermons
Ch. 5 Consecutive-Expository Sermons
Ch. 6 The Sermon Introduction (1)
Ch. 7 The Sermon Introduction (2)
Ch. 8 The Body of a Topical-Expository Sermon
Ch. 9 The Body of a Textual-Expository Sermon (1)
Ch. 10 The Body of a Textual-Expository Sermon (2)
Ch. 11 The Body of the Consecutive-Expository Sermon (1)
Ch. 12 The Body of the Consecutive-Expository Sermon (2)
Ch. 13 The Conclusion of the Sermon (1)
Ch. 14 The Conclusion of the Sermon (2)
Ch. 15 A Preaching Ministry Permeated with the Fragrance of Christ
Unit 5 The Act of Preaching
Ch. 1 The Act of Preaching
Ch. 2 The Formative Perspectives of Sermon Delivery
Ch. 3 The Preacher in Relationship to God in the Act of Preaching
Ch. 4 The Preacher in Relationship to Himself in the Act of Preaching
Ch. 5 The Preacher’s Emotional Constitution and Activity (1)
Ch. 6 The Preacher’s Emotional Constitution and Activity (2)
Ch. 7 The Preacher’s Emotional Constitution and Activity (3)
Ch. 8 The Preacher’s Vocal Powers and Their Employment in the Act of Preaching (1)
Ch. 9 The Preacher’s Vocal Powers and Their Employment in the Act of Preaching (2)
Ch. 10 The Preacher’s Physical Action in Preaching
Ch. 11 The Preacher and His Relationship to His Hearers as He Preaches
Ch. 12 The Preacher and His Relationship to His Paper
Ch. 13 The Preacher in His Relationship to the Physical Context of His Preaching
Scripture Index
Topical Index
Author Index
“More than anything else, the church of Christ needs pastors. It is, of course, essential to have preachers explaining and applying the Bible to those listening. We thank God for these, praying that they will continue to be provided and used for His glory throughout the world. But a pastor, though never less, is more than a preacher, for, as “pastor” means, he is a “shepherd” of God’s people, caring for them in all their spiritual needs, guiding, upholding, protecting and healing the needy and lovable humans whom the Lord has entrusted to his care. After more than half a century of such service Al Martin is a widely experienced shepherd now providing the first of three volumes of pastoral theology for the profound blessing of Christ’s church. From various angles these chapters come before us enriched. The pastor who has written them, having devoted himself to many years of caring for his people, has also deepened his understanding by drawing widely from an extensive library of books on the subject, feeding his own thinking into the lectures. These have then been given several times to students, on each occasion re-shaped, deepened and clarified.
In listening to Pastor Martin since the late 1960s, I have been blessed by scores of his sermons, yet appreciated particularly his lectures for pastors. Over the last 30 years, as he and I have spent many hours together, it has been fascinating to see him, as it were, thinking aloud and shaping treatments of various pastoral issues. To recommend now this treasure of pastoral theology is for me a real privilege. Many have already been greatly helped through hearing these lectures, but with all my heart I pray and, trusting in the Lord’s activity, believe that many more will now have the opportunity of reading, digesting, and applying these gems of truth for themselves and their people. Glory to God.”
—Edward Donnelly, retired Pastor of Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, and Emeritus Professor of New Testament at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland
“The first thing I did on my first day of ministry over twenty years ago was to start listening to Pastor Martin’s pastoral theology lectures on cassette tape (yes, that long ago). These addresses not only set my ministry on a biblical course but actually saved my ministry (and my sanity) more times than I can count. I’ve waited a long time to see this material in print and am so glad that present and future generations of pastors can benefit from it as I did (and still do).” —Dr. David Murray, Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“Dr. Al Martin poured a lifetime of study into lectures on the pastor and preaching. He delivered them annually to his Academy of theological students who met at the meeting place of his congregation in Montville, New Jersey. While he taught them he was engaged week by week in the dynamics of a growing and demanding pulpit and pastoral ministry… There is certainly a cry from a million hearts that today’s preaching should know more of the breath of heaven….May these volumes do much good all over the globe to assist the renewal of awakening ministries.”
—Dr. Geoff Thomas, Pastor (retired), Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales. Visiting Professor of Historical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
“When I was a young minister, I came across a series of audio recordings by Al Martin that proved to be a gold mine of wisdom. Opening the Holy Scriptures and leaning on the solid teaching of classic writers, these Pastoral Theology lectures both clarified God’s calling and motivated God’s servants to preach God’s Word and shepherd His flock in accord with the whole counsel of God… About a decade later, when called upon to teach several courses in pastoral theology in the newly begun Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I listened to most of these lectures again and found them even more profitable the second time through. It is, therefore, a great joy for me that Pastor Martin has reworked this material in his senior years and that now these highly esteemed lectures are finally appearing in book form.”
—From the Foreword by Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Pastor, Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan. President & Professor of Systematic Theology & Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
“Pastor Martin’s lectures have made a tremendous impact on my life and ministry. But Pastor Martin himself has made a bigger impact. I wrote my doctoral project on his theology of preaching and it started a wonderful friendship. I am so thankful that these lectures are being put in print. They represent the choicest fruits of his labors. All glory be to Christ.”
—Dr. Brian Borgman, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Minden, Nevada. Author of My Heart for Thy Cause: Albert N. Martin’s Theology of Preaching.